Why God?

If you’re like most people, your schedule feels overloaded. There’s never enough time – for your family, for your friends, for yourself, and certainly not to think about God. Besides, when you think about God, you may even feel like He’s just not relevant for the 21st century.

Despite all that, you sometimes feel a nagging tug inside. Deep down inside you know He’s real, but you don’t even know what to do with those feelings, or how to figure out who God really is.

You’re not alone with these thoughts. The Bible tells us why we can’t escape thoughts of God. The beauty of God’s creation testifies to his existence – just look at the beauty of our hills, or the millions of stars in the sky on a clear Vermont night! In addition, our innate sense of right and wrong – our conscience – provides an inner testimony to His existence.

Think you can figure this all out on your own?
You’ve probably already tried to figure out about God, and found that the answers you make up are incomplete. If they were better, you wouldn’t be looking at this website! Here at the Old Brick Church, we can help you make sense of these thoughts. We provide answers, direction, and hope. This hope and direction can come only through a personal relationship with the living God, Jesus Christ. Amazingly, the Bible tells us that God wants to have a personal relationship with each one of us!

Why church?
We can come to know God at any given minute, but having a vibrant relationship with Him doesn’t happen overnight and usually doesn’t happen alone. Participation in a Bible-believing church can help in that spiritual growth.

We believe that regular attendance and participation in a weekly service at a Bible-believing church is an important part of our relationship with God, and serves a profound purpose in our lives. At our church service we each have the opportunity to worship the Lord in a group setting; to be jointly taught and challenged from the Bible; to make ourselves available to provide emotional, physical or spiritual encouragement to the people around us; and to receive encouragement if we are in need.

What’s the Old Brick Church like?
The Old Brick Church exists to proclaim the life-changing message of Jesus Christ, to worship God together, and to nurture people to actively live as Christians. Our Sunday morning church service includes worshipping God through singing, prayer, sharing of prayer requests, reading the Bible, and preaching that demonstrates the practical application and relevance to the Bible in our lives today. We sing both traditional and contemporary music, and use multimedia tools to enhance our worship and teaching. These modern components are enhanced by the beautiful 1834 sanctuary’s stain glass windows and rich wood paneling.

In addition to the 10:00 a.m. worship service, we offer opportunities for personal spiritual growth and opportunities for volunteer service and ministry. Our Sunday School (9:00-9:45 a.m.) provides a setting for teaching and discussion that a worship service ordinarily can’t provide.

We don’t expect people to wear their fanciest clothes, or to come only after they’ve straightened out the problems in their lives. Instead, we simply provide a special opportunity for people to meet Jesus Christ and draw closer to Him.

Don’t make excuses about avoiding God any longer. Join us this Sunday and come meet Him!

Coming Events

We will be hosting our 2019 VBS August 5-9 from 8:30-12:00 with a closing program Friday evening August 9 at 6:30pm.

We hope that you have a Roar of a good time with us learning how life is wild, God is Good. Click here to register online.